Command line

Cheat sheet

The shell allows us to interact with our filesystem in a variety of ways: navigating through our folders, creating new files, editing existing ones, etc.

Working with files


Pressing the TAB key will autocomplete a partially completed input




lists your files in current directory

ls <dir>

to print files in a specific directory

ls -l

lists your files in ‘long format’, which contains the exact size of the file, who owns the file and who has the right to look at it, and when it was last modified

ls -a

lists all files in ‘long format’, including hidden files (name beginning with ‘.’)

touch <filename>

creates or updates (edit) your file

cat <filename>

displays file raw content

cat -n <filename>

shows number of lines

nl <filename>

shows number of lines in file

cat filename1 >> filename2

merge two files texts together

more <filename>

shows the first part of a file (move with space and type q to quit)

head <filename>

outputs the first lines of file (default: 10 lines)

tail <filename>

outputs the last lines of file (useful with -f option) (default: 10 lines)

mv <filename1> <dest>

moves a file to destination, can be used for renaming files when <dest> is the new filename

cp <filename1> <dest>

copies a file

rm <filename>

removes a file

head -n file_name | tail +n

Print nth line from file.

head -y lines.txt | tail +x

want to display all the lines from x to y. This includes the xth and yth lines.

Working with Directories



mkdir <dirname>

makes a new directory

rmdir <dirname>

remove an empty directory

rmdir -rf <dirname>

remove a non-empty directory

mv <dir1> <dir2>

rename a directory from to

cd ..

changes to the parent directory

cd <dirname>

changes directory

cp -r <dir1> <dir2>

copy into including sub-directories


tells you where you currently are

cd ~

changes to home.

There are two ways of specifying file paths:

  • Absolute file paths are relative to the root directory, which is the uppermost level of a file system. Absolute file paths always start with a forward slash /.

  • Relative file paths are relative to your working directory. These paths start with no forward slash or a ./ (the period is shorthand for the working directory).

In specifying file paths, you can use the ~ as a shorthand for your home directory.

Other useful commands



find . -name <name> <type>

searches for a file or a directory in the current directory and all its sub-directories by its name

diff <filename1> <filename2>

compares files, and shows where they differ

wc <filename>

tells you how many lines, words and characters there are in a file. Use -lwc (lines, word, character) to ouput only 1 of those informations

sort <filename>

sorts the contents of a text file line by line in alphabetical order, use -n for numeric sort and -r for reversing order.

sort -t -k <filename>

sorts the contents on specific sort key field starting from 1, using the field separator t.

grep <pattern> <filenames>

looks for the string in the files

grep -r <pattern> <dir>

search recursively for pattern in directory

Editing Files

To edit a file (assuming VS Code is installed) use code filename